If in browsing through our stock product you have not been able to find what you are looking for, there is a very good possibility that we can deliver what you require. In fact chances are good we may have it already on our "design shelf". Either way, with our design center in Calgary and off-shore production facilities, we can execute custom requirements quickly and efficiently.
What are some typical examples?
*Custom OBDII Enclosures
The mold designs of our products have places (called inserts) that can be changed for engraving and or logos, as well as custom openings (applicable for the 2000 Classic series only). To incorporate these changes, there is only a one time charge for tooling. There are no parts cost increases. However a setup charge per rum may be applicable. Lead times are typically 4-6 weeks.We can also run colored products for you: any standard Pantone color you specify. There is a surcharge for dye cost, and setup. A minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 1000 pc applies for custom colors.
*Custom OBDII Cabling
The stock OBDII cabling we carry is very limited to what we can offer. For small custom quantities or orders that require a quick turn around, we can make custom cables with our 1100, and 3000, and 3100 series. Lead times can be as short as 2 weeks! For medium sized production runs, we have custom sub-assemblies made by our off-shore line that are shipped to our Calgary warehouse for final assembly. Lead times for this option is typically 4-5weeks. For larger order volumes and cost sensitive applications we can assist too by designing over molded cables to your specifications. We can ship these directly to your door from our plant! Quick and cost efficient.
*Custom Electronic Interfaces.
We have designed various electronic interfaces that support ISO 9141, CAN, and Flash Programming. Some of these designs are generic, but can be customized to your specifications. This can include OEM firmware branding, Data Encryption, and introducing Firmware features specific to your needs.
*Custom Packaging
For your product design, we can also provide packaging options that will allow you to efficiently ship to your customers.
As you can see we are geared to provide you with cost effective solutions that will give you market advantage! If you require more specific information what we can do for your requirements, please complete our design assitant form, or give us a call. We will review your requirements and contact you within 3 business days.